December 2016

Gen Z And Millennials’ Year To Come 2017

Fuse’s Annual Survey On What Young People Expect Of The Year Ahead


60% of young people surveyed in the Year to Come 2017 survey are optimistic about the next twelve months.

  • 60% 60%

Better at Balancing

There seems to be an unexpected ability of teens and young adults to balance bad news with good. We are often inundated with messages about political strife, climate change, and terrorism. Positive news about lower violent crime rates, more people going to college, and extreme poverty at a record low often goes unnoticed. The survey results indicate that our youngest generations have a greater ability to focus on the positive aspects of our society as compared to Gen X and Baby Boomers.

Not Surprised by the Presidential Election

Another reason for young people’s optimism is their collective lack of surprise at the U.S. Presidential Election outcome. While many millions of Americans awoke November 9 amazed that Donald Trump had won despite being behind in the foremost political polls, teens were not shocked. Beginning in our first Presidential Election Survey (March 2016), young people began telling us that they expected Donald Trump to be elected. Our Year to Come 2017 survey indicates a strong relationship between those who were least surprised by the election outcome and optimism about the next twelve months.

Love & Sex

According to Fuse’s study, 88% of young people think they will be in love in 2017.

  • 88% 88%

This number includes young people that say they are already in love, and plan to stay that way, and those who are not currently in a relationship. Survey participants also indicated a belief that love and intimacy were more important than sex. Some indicated sex as a “risky” behavior that could hinder them from “achievement” in their lives. This data is supported by other studies that show a sharp decline in smoking and binge drinking – traditionally risky behaviors for young people. According to the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, younger millennials are twice as likely to be sexually inactive as the previous generation was at the same age.


Two-thirds of young people surveyed by Fuse believe they will make more money in 2017.

  • 66% 66%

Their optimism is astounding considering the job market. In the first quarter of 2016, when the economy had added about 2 million jobs in the previous six months, the number of workers aged 20 to 24 had actually decreased by over 200,000 (Bureau of Labor Statistics.) And new research from the Stanford University led Equality of Opportunity Project indicates the prospects of children earning more than their parents has fallen from 90% to 50% over the past half-century. Despite this economic climate, Gen Z and millennials were confident in our survey—indicating they will make more money, save more money, and are not overly concerned about their financial state.


According to the Year to Come 2017 survey, 60% of teens and young adults plan to spend more time with their family next year.

  • 60% 60%

These results indicate a continued trend among young people, started by now older millennials, to consider their parents among their best friends. The importance young people place on family is being influenced by at least two factors: the growth of multi-generational households and the population growth of racial and ethnic minorities, who are more likely to live in multigenerational households. An excellent assessment of the record 60 million Americans who live in multigenerational households was completed by Pew Research Center.


70% of the teens and young adults surveyed by Fuse plan to exercise more in 2017.

  • 70% 70%

The numbers continue the trend of Gen Z and millennials committing to an active and healthy lifestyle. Compared to Gen Z and Baby Boomers, teens and young adults are exercising more and eating smarter. They also represent the highest user concentration of fitness apps and wearable tech. The recently published Physical Activity Council’s 2016 data highlights that Gen Z has an increased interest in outdoor and team sports and that millennials have the highest participation in fitness activities.