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Fuse is included in a Gen Z trend article on the alist.com, about Gen Z’s favorite brands, citing our research on how 85% of Gen Z believe companies have an obligation to help solve social problems.


Gen Z has spoken: among their favorite brands are Netflix, YouTube, Chick-fil-A and Bath & Body Works, according to a Morning Consult survey that revealed the consumers’ penchant for tech, entertainment and food brands.

In first place came Google, followed by Netflix, YouTube, Amazon, Oreo, PlayStation, Walmart, Target, Doritos and Nintendo.

Google was voted most-loved among black Gen Z and Gen Z women whereas Netflix was ranked first among urban and conservative Gen Z.

Google was voted most-loved among black Gen Z and Gen Z women whereas Netflix was ranked first among urban and conservative Gen Z.

The findings were determined using online surveys with adults aged 18-21 during January 1 to February 28, 2019 and January 1 to April 30, 2019, respectively. Between 425 and 1,435 respondents from Gen Z rated every brand included in the top 25, and between 169 and 1,220 Gen Z’ers rated each of the brands included within a certain demographic group. The maximum margin of error for a given brand was plus or minus 5 percent and 8 percent, respectively.

The survey accounted for company evaluations, demographics and political tracking before asking America’s youngest adults to score brands on favorability, trust, community impact and purchasing intent. The index score each brand was given revealed these scores added together.

Also on the list were Chick-fil-A at number 11, Nike, Marvel Studios, Spotify and Instagram. Contenders on the lower end of the totem pole include Pizza Hut, Sprite, Dunkin’ Donuts, Dollar Tree, Skittles, Subway, Microsoft, Dove, Walt Disney and IHOP.

Brands should consider focusing a large part of their marketing strategies around Gen Z tastes as they’re expected to become 40 percent of the US population by 2020. VisionCritical reports that Gen Z’s $44 billion purchasing power will quadruple in the next two years. In 2016 alone, Gen Z spent $78 billion at restaurants excluding alcohol.

Gen Z take tech and social seriously in deciding what to purchase. 80 percent of their purchases are influenced by a retailer’s Instagram presence, which also reflects their tech habits. A UK study of Gen Z found that they spend about 10 ours online each day. They’re looking for brands who offer convenience, engage user-generated content, value transparency and an effort to craft an aesthetic that speaks to their lifestyle.

Utilizing cause marketing can also attract Gen Z. According to a Fuse Marketing study 85 percent believe companies have an obligation to help solve social problems. 57 percent of Gen Z versus 25 percent of millennials said that it’s more important that a company personally cares about the cause.