Dramatic piano music in background.
Gettyimages logo flashes on screen.
Camera snaps to different views at a party.
Screen show a close up of DJ table, followed by a panning shot of crowd socializing, a woman interacting with virtual tabletop photo collage, man at a computer studying the screen.
The screen showcases a few rapid succession atmosphere shots of people and items in the venue.
Time lapse appears on screen, backlit table with photos and articles being reorganized to make a collage by party attendees. Getty images logo superimposed over panning time lapse shot of the venue full of people.
Time lapse focuses on photos with attendees blurred and flowing past them.
Violin music plays and time lapses return to normal speed showing attendees interacting with the works in the room.
Time lapse shot of people continuing to interact with the interactive photo collage as the shot fades to black.